

Speak out


At Haldane McCall Plc, we strive to create a work environment where employees, contract workers, vendors, service providers, customers, and other stakeholders feel comfortable sharing confidential information regarding any misconduct, irregularities, or malpractice they witness, without the fear of harassment or victimization. We assure our stakeholders that their concerns will be treated with utmost seriousness, thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken.


A Whistleblowing Policy has been adopted by the Board in accordance with the required code of conduct and global best practices in corporate governance. As long as such issues are raised in good faith, this policy allows staff workers to voice concerns about potential financial and other irregularities with confidence and without fear of reprisal.

Employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to report suspected or actual incidents of fraud and misconduct to HMK PLC using the internal reporting channels provided while respecting their confidentiality and privacy.


The Board has delegated oversight of whistleblowing to the Audit Committee. All matters reported are investigated, and the actions taken are reported to the Committee. The Committee has the power to request further information, conduct its inquiries, or order additional action as it sees fit.

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